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Windows Update Error 0x80246007? How To Fix

Maintaining the operating system necessitates frequent updates, although updating can be challenging. In certain circumstances, customers get errors while attempting to install the update; in others, the installed updates are corrupt. For example, windows customers have recently reported update error 0x80246007, which prohibits them from updating their systems or installing apps. We’ll examine why this happens and how to fix the problem further.

Windows Update Error 0x80246007 Causes

The Windows install/update error 0x80246007 can be caused by a variety of factors, including.


Suppose you have a third-party security program installed on your system. In that case, it is likely to disrupt the process of installing apps or updates due to false security alerts, leading to errors like the one shown above.

Corruption Issue

The system may be experiencing a corruption error that prevents it from installing the most recent updates.

Issue With Update Components

To install the most recent updates, the system requires functional update components. You will frequently encounter update errors if these components are corrupted or not operating properly.

Essential Eervices Are Disabled

The system, like Windows update components, requires necessary services to be operational to install updates. Therefore, you cannot download Windows and app updates if these services are disabled or corrupt.

Now that we’ve gone over the possible reasons for the problem let’s have a look at the troubleshooting methods that can help you tackle the issue quickly.

Windows Update Error 0x80246007? How To Fix

Check Internet Connection

To function, Windows updates require an internet connection. When you try to download and install an update in Windows, the operating system connects to Microsoft servers through the internet to retrieve the necessary information. If your device is not connected to the internet or has a poor connection, the update will fail to install, leading to the error. As a result, you should begin by checking that your internet connection is steady. As a first step, try reconnecting to your Wi-Fi router. If it does not work, try installing the update again using a different connection. Switching to a new network will fix the problem if a bad internet connection causes the issue.

Clear SoftwareDistribution Folder

Windows temporarily stores installation files, downloaded update packages, history logs, and other related data under the SoftwareDistribution folder. If any of these files become corrupt, the Windows Update service will likely fail to successfully access the installation data and download update packages, resulting in the issue under discussion. In this instance, deleting the contents of the SoftwareDistribution folder is the best method to erase any potential corruption errors. Because the data in this folder is temporary, deleting it will not affect your system. Restart your computer after emptying the folder to see whether the problem has been fixed.

Apply Generic Windows Update Fixes

You may now try installing more generic patches for Windows Update-related issues.


Installation and update errors might aggravate, but they are nearly always fixable. Hopefully, the solutions in this tutorial will assist you in resolving error code 0x80246007 on Windows 10 or 11. However, if the problem persists despite attempting several options, you may either wait for Microsoft to provide an official fix or manually download the update from Microsoft’s update catalog.

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