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How To

How To Install HBO Max On LG Smart TV?

You may install HBO Max on your LG Smart TV to save all your favorite shows and movies in one location. Installing the app is simple and only requires a few steps. Here’s everything you need to know.

Install HBO Max On LG Smart TV

Well, the HBO Max app is available on all LG TVs, and installation is simple. You may download the app from the LG Content Store if it isn’t currently installed. Well, if you already have the HBO Max app on your LG TV, you may update it using the same method.

1 – Turn on the LG smart TV. 

2 – Check that the TV is linked to the Internet.

3 – Press the home button on your LG remote control and then choose the LG Content Store.

4 – Go to the search icon in the LG Content Store (A magnifying glass in the upper right corner.)

5 – Enter “HBO Max.” 

6 – Choose the HBO Max icon to download or update the HBO Max app.

Download & Install HBO Max App On LG Smart TV

Well, if you already have an HBO Max subscription, you may enter your sign-in credentials after the app is installed on the smart TV. First, you can sign in on your TV, but using your smartphone or computer is the simplest approach. Then, you enter the code provided on your TV.

1 – On your LG TV, select the Sign Up button.

2 – Click the SIGN IN button.

3 – Go to your smartphone or computer’s HBO Max Sign-in page.

4 – If required, enter your credentials and sign in.

5 – Enter the LG TV code at Next.

How To Install HBO Max On LG Smart TV

When you start your HBO Max app, it should either prompt you to install any updates or do so automatically.

Watch HBO Max On Non-Compatible LG TV

There are still choices available if the HBO Max app doesn’t operate on your LG smart TV. If your LG TV has an HDMI connection and Wi-Fi, you may use a streaming device like a Roku or cast to an Amazon Fire TV Stick. You might also use an HDMI cable to connect your computer or smartphone to your LG TV.

HBO Max Programming

It’s difficult to say whether HBO Max is worth your money, but it’s worth a go. At the time of writing, the platform was home to several notable TV shows and movies, including Station Eleven, Strike, Succession, The Last of Us, White Lotus, We Own This City, and others.


Installing HBO Max on the LG Smart TV is simple. After configuring it, you can use HBO Max’s Shuffle feature to watch random episodes of your favorite shows.

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