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How To

What is Discord Legacy Audio Subsystem? How to enable

What is Discord Legacy Audio Subsystem? How to enable. Over the years, Discord has been a great way for gamers to make voice calls. Millions of users currently use Discord, which is available for Android, iOS, and desktop.

You may already know about the text and voice lines if you use Discord often. Not only does Discord have voice and text groups, but it is also a VoIP platform. This means that you can use it to make free phone calls. Yes, Discord has a membership base, but users don’t have to pay for it.

Even though Discord is mostly bug-free, users of the Discord Desktop app may occasionally experience voice-related problems. Many Discord users have recently said that their sound and audio don’t work right.

Not only that, but many Discord users have said that they can’t hear their audio. So, if you have audio problems on Discord, you have landed on the right page. In this article, we’ll talk about why Discord users have audio problems and what can be done to fix them. So, let’s start.

Why do Users Face Audio Problems on Discord?

Discord is mostly a service for gamers, so it offers a feature that lets you share your screen and many other helpful features. In the same way, it has a few settings that improve the quality of the audio.

But sometimes, there are problems with Discord’s audio tools. If this happens, your Discord voice channel friends can tell you they can’t hear you.

Now, when it comes to why there’s no audio trouble on Discord, it could be caused by different things. The problems could be with the Discord desktop app or your PC’s sound settings.

How to Fix Discord Audio Problems?

There are a lot of things you could do to fix the audio problems on Discord. All of these things can be done by changing the sound settings and restarting the desktop app for Discord.

Yes, there could also be problems on the server’s end. When Discord’s servers are down, there have been past audio playing problems. You can’t do anything if the computers are down.

But if you want to get out of it quickly, use the Legacy audio subsystem. The Discord desktop app makes enabling the Legacy audio modules simple, but you must first know what they do.

What is Legacy Audio Subsystem on Discord?

Like every desktop operating system, Discord has an audio subsystem that lets users listen to high-quality music in real-time.

The audio subsystem of Discord is continuously being updated. When the audio subsystem of Discord finds that your gear isn’t suitable, audio problems start to happen.

When this happens, the Discord desktop app will experience audio problems. The good news is that Discord offers a “Legacy audio system” setting that improves interaction with audio gear.

The oldest part of Discord is the legacy audio subsystem. Switching to the Legacy audio subsystem will probably rule out the sound problem if your audio gear is very old.

How to Enable Legacy Audio Subsystem on Discord?

The legacy audio subsystem on Discord will probably make the desktop app work with most audio gear. Here’s how to enable Discord’s legacy audio subsystem.

1. Click “Search” in Windows and type “Discord.”

2. Then, from the list, open the Discord app. When the app opens, click the gear icon at the bottom, Settings.

Discord Legacy Audio Subsystem

3. Go to the Voice & Video tab in Settings.


4. On the Voice & Video, scroll down to the ‘Audio Subsystem‘ section.

5. Next, click on the drop-down and select ‘Legacy

Discord Legacy Audio Subsystem

6. Once done, click the Okay button to apply the changes.

All done! After switching to the Legacy subsystem, you must restart your Discord desktop app. You won’t have any more problems with audio after you restart.

Since you’re reading this guide, you may want to know which bots are the best for Discord. Free music bots for Discord can play high-quality music on your server. In the linked piece, you can find a list of the best music bots for Discord.

So, this guide is all about Discord’s legacy audio subsystem and how to enable it. On the Discord desktop app, switching to Legacy Audio Subsystem will probably rule out all audio issues. Let us know if you need more help learning the Legacy audio subsystem in the comments. Also, if you found the post helpful, tell your friends about it

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